Sunday, February 10, 2013

Monster Storm

Until the second week of February, the winter of 2012-13 was quite good. We had only one significant snowstorm in late December, and January was almost snowless. It seemed that after the horrific experience of January 2011, 2013, like 2012, would witness nice compensation. Such hopes were dashed. On February 8-9, storm Nemo turned out to be the worst I've ever experienced. Many times in the past, and even in January 2011, snow shoveling lasted only two hours at the most, and I'd get the whole premises cleared in that time. Yesterday, I worked repeatedly, yet even with some help from neighbors, haven't finished. It's as if January 2011 recurred, this time with the whole monthly total dumped on us in a single night....Everywhere, the snow is piled deep. Finishing the driveway will be arduous enough, but the snowplows will create a worse chore. When they pass, a mountain of snow will have to be removed from the driveway entrance. Just great....


Anonymous Neal Robbins said...

That's quite a blizzard that you had. Snow can be a big nuisance. Here in Arkansas we have had two snows this winter. One was in late December and the other was in January. The snow was melted within three days after each of the snowstorms. In Arkansas winters are very erratic. Cold snaps are often followed by several warm days. I'm sure that you don't want too many other ferocious snowstorms this winter.

Neal Robbins

6:06 AM  
Blogger starman said...

Good thing skies today are clear, the neighbors have helped more and rain (not snow) is in the forecast for tomorrow.

8:25 AM  
Blogger starman said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

8:25 AM  
Anonymous progrev said...

I just wish we would get a little snow here in LA--this winter even the mountains aren't getting much, about half of normal, and we're not even getting any rainstorms worth mentioning. SOOO borrring, and another thing I miss is wind. Did you get much wind in Nemo?

3:56 PM  
Blogger starman said...

There was considerable wind, mostly after the snow had stopped falling. As fir snow--you can have it(!) lol.

3:07 AM  

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